Trouble Thinking

April 19, 2012

Things You Didn’t Know You Needed To Know About But You Totally Do

So hey, sometimes you think you’re done looking at things, reading things, listening to things, whatever. You figure you’ve put in your time and you don’t really need to pay attention to anything ever again. I get that, but I have to break your reverie. I have to shatter it with excellent things.

-James Stokoe, who I fucking adore, is doing a Godzilla comic. It’s worth checking out because well. Look at this goddamn incredible artwork:

James Stokoe's Godzilla

I want to rub it on my face, feel the texturessss

– You should read this cute, sweet comic called Sweet Thing by Melissa Duffy. It’s also got some murder and violence so you know, it’s still cool.

– The Abbadon is a great comic that is basically Sartre’s “No Exit” but like, an ongoing series. It’s interesting and pretty to look at and creepy, you’re going to like it! Also, totally NSFW.

– 4thLetter’s David Brothers continues to write the only articles about comics worth reading. Addressing “Before Watchmen”, he talks about the actual shit that actually matters with regards to this comic, and asks why the entire media devoted to comics contains about .5 critical examinations of what’s going on, and 20 billion “hey look at this art the DC PR department gave us!” posts

– The various and sundry Kickstarter campaigns that have been heating up, mostly for large projects by established teams, there’s an interesting new one: Grim Dawn‘s Kickstarter is another by, yep, an established team (the guys who made the generally beloved Titan Quest) making a new Action RPG just in time to again be sadly forgotten as Diablo erases everyone’s memories with eldritch magic. They’re asking for a paltry $280,000 because they’re essentially done with the project, they just want to make two free-time dudes full-time and maybe hire an animator so they can get this thing polished and out the door. It really looks lovely, a deserving entry into a field that’s usually lay kind of fallow between Diablos, even though it’s pretty fun. Check out their awesome preview movie, you can see some basically complete gameplay! They’ve got nice features, too. Like an open world that you unlock at whatever pace you choose, and NPC factions. I’m hoping for ARPG Stalker. Oh man now I’ve made myself sad because nothing can be that awesome.

– I’ve started to really enjoy the musical stylings of Dr. Dog:

– And these German 60’s pop stars:


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